
美国60年前的一起核事故 仍在威胁当地居民的健

2019-07-22 13:03栏目:健康


  HBO今年5月热播的迷你剧《切尔诺贝利》(Chernobyl)用它的“真实感”再现了令人毛骨悚然的核威力。不过,就在切尔诺贝利核电站禁区辐射剂量逐渐减少,禁区逐步开放成为旅游圣地之时,美国南加州洛杉矶近郊的西米谷(Simi Valley), 60年前也发生过一起核事故——它的清理工作却尚未开始,时至今日还在持续威胁着当地居民的健康……

(图 via VC Star)

  当地时间7月13日上午10点,当地居民、活动家和政府官员聚集在西米谷的Rancho Tapo社区公园,举行了一场纪念活动,纪念发生在1959年的圣苏珊娜核武器试验场(Santa Susana Field Lab)的核灾难。

  The 2,850-acre field lab in unincorporated hills just southeast of Simi Valley experienced a partial nuclear meltdown in 1959 when it was the Rocketdyne/Atomics International rocket engine test and nuclear facility, and other chemical and radioactive contamination over the years。


  ▲Activists to mark 60th anniversary of partial nuclear meltdown at Santa Susana Field Lab (via VC Star)


  The Sodium Reactor Experiment or SRE was the first reactor to provide commercial nuclear power to a U.S。 city in Moorpark。 Then on July 13, 1959, a partial meltdown occurred in which a third of the fuel experienced melting。


  As a result of this partial meltdown and numerous other reactor accidents, radioactive fires, massive chemical contamination in handling of the radioactive and chemically contaminated toxic materials that were routinely burned in open pits through the years at the site, it remains one of the most highly contaminated sites in the country。 


  ▲60 Years Since the Largest U.S。 Nuclear Accident and Captured Federal Agencies (via Common Dreams)

1958年,圣苏珊娜核武器试验场核反应堆(图 via Common Dreams)


  The site is now largely owned by aerospace giant Boeing and is divided into four areas plus northern and southern buffer zones。


  Boeing is responsible for cleaning up Area 3, its part of Area 1 and the Southern Buffer Zone。 NASA administers a smaller portion of the site and is responsible for remediating Area 2 and its part of Area 1。 The U.S。 Department of Energy doesn’t own any land at the site, but is responsible for cleaning up Area 4 and the Northern Buffer Zone。


  The long-planned, much-delayed cleanup could finally start this year, Russ Edmondson, a spokesman for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, which is overseeing the remediation, said late last year。 In April, however, he appeared to back off that statement。


  ▲Activists to mark 60th anniversary of partial nuclear meltdown at Santa Susana Field Lab (via VC Star)